How To Take Care Of Your Heart

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It's in your control

Let our doctors coach you to make heart healthy choices. Taking good care of your heart takes dedication but you can do it!

Stop smoking

Stop smoking now

Let us help you quit smoking with a variety of cessation therapies. Smoking raises your blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels which increases your risk of stroke or heart attack.

Control cholesterol

Control cholesterol

Not all cholesterol is considered bad. Science has determined our bodies need some "good" cholesterol to maintain optimum heart health.

Heart icon

Heart disease is optional

With our help you can understand the causes of heart disease and how to prevent it from happening. Take control of your health today!

weighing machine

Find your ideal weight

Diet and exercise plays a crucial role in your cardiovascular health. We can help you create a diet and exercise plan to reach your goals.

Regular heart checks

Regular heart checks

Scheduling regular appointment with your cardiologist allows you catch heart disease before it's out of control and you experience symptoms.

Cholesterol treatment

Cholesterol treatment

Foods such as olive oil can be considered a substitute for butter or margarine, you'll enjoy the taste too! Eggs for breakfast have "good" cholesterol as well. Of course use everything in moderation.



Individuals who have or are at risk for diabetes have a higher risk of heart disease. Contact us for a consultation to discuss your options.

Manage blood pressure

Manage blood pressure

If you haven't been paying much attention to your blood pressure it may be time to start. Keeping your blood pressure under control helps prevent dangerous heart issues.

Steps to take care

Take these easy steps

  • Quit smoking
  • Maintain optimal weight

          through regular exercise

  • Manage your diet appropriately
  • Watch your fat and

          cholesterol intake

  • Monitor your blood pressure
  • Regular heart evaluations


Sometimes medication is needed to keep blood pressure and cholesterol under control. Contact one of our cardiologists for more information.


Know your history

If heart disease runs in your family it's important that you don't put off having your heart examined by a professional. Most early heart disease issues have no symptoms.

Call today to make an appointment

When it comes to your heart it's important to be proactive with your health.

Live an active lifestyle for optimum heart health

Quit smoking
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Diabetes test
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